Young people dancing at Battersea Arts Centre

Contact us

Applying for funding?

You can submit an Expression of Interest for the Active Spaces Fund at any time throughout the year. 

We’ll let you know if your project is eligible to submit a full application within 20 working days.

Read the application guidance on the Active Spaces Fund.

Please note, if you’ve applied to Go! London for funding and not yet heard back about your application, or if you already have a project funded by Go! London, you can’t also apply for funding from the Active Spaces Fund.

Instant answers

Girls playing on swings at Triangle Adventure Playground

Send us a message

Instead of contacting us with specific questions about your project, we ask you to submit an Expression of Interest and we’ll contact you if we need any more detail.

If you have any support needs that will make the application process difficult, please email us and we’ll work with you through the application process.