Active Spaces Fund
London Marathon Foundation Active Spaces Fund
We fund projects in London that improve spaces and facilities and help the least active children, young people and underserved groups and communities to lead active and healthy lives.
Typically, we fund projects between £10,000 and £80,000.
To be eligible your project must
Support one or more of these audiences to be active: children and young people, people from ethnically diverse groups, people from lower socio-economic groups, women and girls, people with disabilities , people with long-term health conditions, older people (65+) or the LGBTQ+ community
You can view some of the projects we've funded below.

We prioritise projects that enable the least active children, young people and underserved groups and communities to lead active and healthy lives.
Applications that cover the below criteria are more likely to be successful. In your expression of interest, make sure you tell us about how you meet these criteria as this will give you the best chance of success.
- Take place in areas of greatest need. For example, areas with fewer spaces and facilities for physical activity or where communities are likely to be affected by high levels of deprivation.
- Have a close connection to the community they support. For example, delivery staff come from the community.
- Improve and activate a space, places or facility beyond the funding period.
More information
How much can Active Spaces fund?
Typically, we provide funding of between £10,000 and £80,000 towards total project costs.
Occasionally, at our discretion, we may award more than £80,000 for capital projects where an exceptional case for inspiring activity for our priority audiences is made.
If you’re planning a capital project and want to apply for more than £80,000, you may be eligible in some circumstances:
- Only projects that make an exceptional case for inspiring activity for our priority audiences are likely to be funded.
- At this level of funding, our focus is on capital projects that will leave a long-term legacy for our priority audiences.
- Partnership funding is required. During the application process, you’ll need to demonstrate the partnership funding you have secured, or plan to secure, to deliver your project.
Stage One: Expression of Interest (EOI)
You'll need to complete an Expression of Interest (EOI), providing a summary of the project and the outcomes you hope to achieve, along with a project budget.
If your EOI is for an eligible project that addresses our priorities, you'll be invited to stage two.
Before applying, you can preview the EOI form to see the questions you’ll need to answer.
When you're ready to apply, you can log in to the Funding Forms Portal to complete an EOI.
Stage Two: Full Application
If your Expression of Interest (EOI) is successful, roughly 28% are, you’ll be invited to stage two where you’ll need to submit a full application. We’ll ask you for more detail on which group(s) within our priority audiences the project will support to be active and how, as well as project outcomes and information about your organisation (including diversity, equity and inclusion, sustainability and the real Living Wage).
You’ll also need to provide the following supporting documentation:
- A project budget
- Project plan (including timeframe of delivery)
- Governance documents
- Policies (including a Child Protection Policy and Safeguarding and Vulnerable Adults Policy)
- Two to three letters of support for the project (for school applications, the letters of support should be from community users)
- If applying for capital funding, you’ll also need to provide evidence of security of tenure, planning permission (if required), project designs, a copy of your project budget, evidence of other project funding and photos.
Before applying, you can preview the full application form to see the questions you'll need to answer.
Project budget - what’s included?
In stage two, the full application, we need to see information about your project budget. If you’re only applying for capital funding, please provide a copy of your own detailed budget for the project. If you’re applying for any revenue funding, please use this revenue budget template to detail the revenue funding you're applying for and upload a copy of this with your application form
When are the application deadlines?
Stage One deadline
You can submit an EOI at any time throughout the year. We’ll aim to let you know if your project is eligible to submit a full application (stage two) within 20 working days.
Stage Two deadline
If your EOI is successful, you will be invited (via email) to submit a full application. There are four rounds of application each year. The deadlines for funding requests under £100,000 are listed below, along with when you can expect to hear the outcome of your application.
Application deadline | Application outcome |
8 January 2025 | End of February |
25 March 2025 | End of May |
8 July 2025 | End of August |
25 September 2025 | End of November |
If you're requesting funding over £100,000, we will take about a month longer to communicate the outcome, but we will keep you updated over email.
While we expect most full applications to be submitted within one year, we’re committed to being flexible, so please contact us before applying if it’s been more than one year since your EOI was successful.
You can’t apply for an Active Spaces Fund if you’ve applied to Go! London for funding.
Please note, if you’ve applied to Go! London for funding and not yet heard back about your application, or if you already have a project funded by Go! London, you can’t also apply for funding from the Active Spaces Fund. This is because London Marathon Foundation is a Go! London partner and funder and we only process one application or fund one project at a time through these funds. Read our FAQs for more info about application requirements.
Continuing an existing application
If you’ve already started an Active Spaces Fund application, you can continue the application by logging in to the Funding Forms Portal. You’ll need the same email address and password used when the application was started.
Login to the Funding Forms Portal to continue an existing application.
How to submit your reports (for funded organisations only)
If you’re a funded organisation and need to submit a progress report, you can do this through the Funding Forms Portal. You’ll need the same email address and password that was used when applying for funding.
Log in to the Funding Forms Portal to submit a report.
When to contact us
We’re a small team and would be grateful if you could read our FAQs before contacting us with any questions about the Active Spaces Fund or application process.
The best way for us to get an understanding of your project is for you to complete the short EOI form. Instead of contacting us with specific questions about your project, we invite you to submit an EOI and we’ll then be in touch should we need any further information.
If you have any communication support needs that will make the application process difficult for you, please email us and we’ll be happy to work with you through the application process.